I am now accepting 2nding nominations for the title of World's Dumbest Motorcyclist because I really am dull knife in the drawer, my elevator does not reach the top floor and any other way of describing just what a complete idiot I've tuned out to be when it comes to owning such a nice bike. Here's why.
Last Thursday my bike quit on me and I had it towed home and there it sat all weekend because I was sure that there was something wrong with it, I was thinking the plugs were fouled, so I was going to have the plugs pulled and check by my cuz. I tried cranking it over the weekend and got it to sputter but it wouldn't stay running.
I did have gas in the tank when it quit on me on Thursday, but apparently I didn't have as much as my dumb ass thought I did after all because about 10 minutes ago I decided to go out to the garage and unscrew the petcock filter to check for dirt, it was spotless. Next, I filled the the tank up with fresh gas, closed the throttle and of course she fired right up and idled on her after a few minutes.
At that moment I felt like total bone head! Why in the hell didn't I check the gas when it was at home with a flash light? Most likely, because since the bike is still so new to me and I'm paranoid as hell about one more thing screwing up on me I had just accepted that it needed repairs.
What I've learned just hopefully is to first assume that it's always a fuel issue and to check the damn tank instead of panicking like some pussy and calling in a tow truck. Maybe the next time I screw up like this, I should just let one of you have her for $1! If you think you can top my Stupid Moment, please let me know. Sheeesh, I missed a great weekend to ride!