This weekend went with the g/f on the VStrom to the Scottish Highland Games at Loon Mtn, NH. We left Roslindale at 10am and by 12.30pm were in Lincoln. Great weather for riding and aside from traffic early on I-93 the rest was plain sailing. I was testing out my new GPS and it was interesting comparing speed on the VStrom v GPS -accurate up to around 60mph and then less so. 90mph on the VStrom was 82 on the GPS.
What a great setting at Loon Mtn

Anyway we arrived and parked outside with the other bikes...first thing we saw was the pipe bands marching and playing the pipes..

Inside lots of tents selling all things Scottish...and music, beer, pipes, dancing etc etc...
Baseball cap and kilt?

Police were out in force (and in style


Lots to eat..

..including the famous Scottish pie

mmmm delicious

Need a kilt for working - no problem!


Limbering up..

Taking a break..

And getting ready...


Hey gies a drink!!

Sword play

Tossing the 56 pound ball over the bar with a one-arm swing...easy-peasy! A new World record was set...18.5 feet (and for the 48 pound ball - 21 feet).

then it was tossing the 16 pound sheaf over the bar...37 feet was the highest...

Definition of a kilt..

Dogs have a new life when they die...

we like our big cats...

Hanging around...

or getting ready to make a fast exit in the Scots-mobile

they grow them tall in NH

A good scotswomen always needs to accessorize

could be out of the 18th Century...if it wasnt for the sunglasses

Watch out here come the pipers..

right turn....

the pipe bands line up...

and everyone and their dog wants to watch...

some are shorter than others...

but the whole family can enjoy it

And that was it...
After the games we headed over the Kancamagus Highway to North Conway...we got the pegs down on the tight hairpin turn earlyu on and then at the end of the Kancamagus took Bear Notch Road which has been resurfaced - wow what an amazing road! Twist and turns the whole way - what fun!
Sunday - we returned over Bear Notch Road and back over the Kancamagus and again got the pegs down on the same hairpin turn- what fun! Then it was a new route - the 112 out of Lincoln going west to Benton - wow!! what a great road!! Amazing scenery and it was empty! We were heading for a road we had been told about -Long Pond Road;

Pretty easy actually and no problems encountered...

Ended up at Warren NH on Rt 25 which again is a great road - we were very lucky today! Met a 50-something guy on his KLR from Cape Cod (he had rode up) who was loving his month old bike and talking all the dirt trails he could find - what an inspirational guy!
Jumped back on I-93 at Northfield and sped home - back by 3.30pm.
Great weekend for riding but definitely getting colder!!