Visually both looked similar but did have different diameter bores, which I don't see how that could make a difference but possibly it could. Seems as long as the system is bled the brakes should work.
I have a bunch of mc, but the numbers are real hard to read. I'll try tomorrow and get back.
The bore of the master cylinder IS what makes a difference. It is the ratio between the area of the master cylinder piston to the surface area of the brake caliper piston(s) which determines how hard you'll have to squeeze the lever for a given braking force.
A small bore pushes less fluid when you squeeze the lever. This gives you more leverage against the caliper piston, but requires that you move the lever further.
A large bore pushes more fluid, this gives you less leverage, but also reduces lever movement.
Since I'm experiencing very high lever effort with little lever travel, I believe that I may have a master cylinder for a CB750. A model that used a larger brake caliper. I'm hoping to find a way to identify the master cylinder without having to take anything apart.
If someone knows what bore was used on the 400F, that would help. I may be able to measure the bore by just removing the brake lever. I'm guessing that it's supposed to be 1/2 inch.