I'm a newbie when it comes to compression tests, so I have a few questions for you all about determining the health of my 550 engine. I've done a fair bit of searching, so I'll try not to be redundant.
As is, there are no carbs or exhaust attached to the bike. Instructions are always to do the test with the throttle open, but having the carbs off should accomplish the same thing, no? Will having the exhaust off affect things at all?
Okay so here's the wierd semi-empirical part of my question. I rented a compression tester from a local auto parts store the other day and (surprise, surprise!) it didn't come with the appropriate fitting. I only removed the #4 (Right hand cylinder from a on-the-bike POV) plug to see if the tester would fit. The conditions were like this:
Plug #4 out, #1,2, and 3 were in.
Carbs and exhaust off
Tach cable in
Paper towels stuffed in each exhaust port to block debris from getting in the engine
For no real reason other than just to do it, I kicked the bike over with the kick starter. I was surprised to see that the paper towels were coughed out of the #1, 2, and 4 cylinders, but not #3. I kicked a few more times and the towel stayed in the #3 cylinder. Could this have something to do with only having one plug out(#4) or, more likely, having the tach in (which mounts over the #3 cylinder), or is it a dreaded, albeit very crude, sign of little/no compression in the #3 cylinder? I'm going to run a real test this weekend, but I've just got this eating at my mind in the meantime...