After the response to my boat thread, I have a feeling this one is going to get some attention...
I hadn't fished in 20 years or so, but recently bought a boat and some fishing gear and have been giving it a go. To date, I have hooked one fish, but my poor knot-tying abilities allow it to escape. I'm vegetarian anyway, but the poor bugger is going to have a hell of a time explaining its new piercing to the family...
Anyway, I don't know what the hell I'm doing and would like some advice. I fished for bluegill, carp, and a bit of bass as a kid, but things are a little different out here in the pacific NW with salmon, sturgeon, and steelhead. That said, I'm looking for tips on catching walleye, bass, trout...whatever. i have a boat, and would love to troll with it.
A few days ago I was casting into the banks of the Willamette off of Sauvie Island, just before the Willamette joins the Columbia, around some old pylons that appeared to have been a dock at some point. It looked really "fishy." I was using a drop shot rig with a 3" tube ("outlaw" brand). I was getting nibbles, but besides the "one that got away," we never caught anything.
Anyway, hopefully this can be a place where people can share fishing tips, as they seem to be closely guarded wherever I look on the net. There is an Oregon fishing forum, but I haven't really found much help there with the basics. This place seems to have an expert or a dozen in every field, so let the fishermen flourish...