Author Topic: Rant and a question  (Read 514 times)

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Offline cobra2411

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Rant and a question
« on: September 25, 2010, 09:04:06 AM »
Ok so I was out for a nice ride the other day and was going through a local park. The road snakes through the woods in a valley next to a creek and is wonderful. It's posted as 15mph but it's used as a short cut by many local residents and they usually go a bit faster.

So I'm on my ride and notice a guy get right up on my rear wheel. I was going about 20 or so. I favor the right side of the lane because it's the smoothest and in my mirror it looks like he's trying to pass me. This road is barely big enough for two cars at the same time and there are no shoulders. He looks like he's trying to go between me and the oncoming cars. I moved over to the left and rode in the rougher section of the road and sped up a little till there was a spot that I could pull over. Once I did he hammered on the gas and blew his horn. He probably continued at 35+ which is unsafe for that road.

I called the cops and gave them his plate but they said unless I could ID him and wanted to press charges there was nothing they could do. As a kid I had dirt bikes but that was 20+ years ago. I'm a new rider with less then 300miles under my belt so I'm not sure I did the right thing. I know they say not to speed up to get away from someone; instead get over and let them pass. I did that as soon as I could but it was ~2 miles down the road till I was able to because of how tight the road was. My thought in moving to the left was that I would stop him from thinking he could get around me. He just took it as I was blocking him in...

Any ideas on dealing with a total butt hole with road rage short of shooting him?

Offline Gordon

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Re: Rant and a question
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2010, 09:29:15 AM »
You did pretty much exactly what I would have done.  Take up the whole lane so they don't feel like they have the room to squeeze by you, and pull over when it's safe.  There are always going to be #$%*s out there.

Offline tramp

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Re: Rant and a question
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2010, 06:34:26 PM »
i have had people pass me when i was on the right side of the road
a car was coming the other way so there was 2 cars and 1 bike on a 2 lane rd
always ride on the left side of the road now to stop that
you did right
1974 750k


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Re: Rant and a question
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2010, 06:30:52 AM »
I was visiting my Aunt who lives in the Chestnut Hill section of Philly last year--rode my bike down from Maine.  Riding around there was pretty much action stations all the time--I ride in Manhattan pretty often,  and Philly and its burbs seem just a wee bit worse for motorcycling.

There is a section of road near her,  quickly changes from suburban to rural (one second you're on a major semi city road,  then turn and here is a section of tree darkened country peacefulness)--trees close to the road,  very twisty,  many changes in topography,  few driveways,  no shoulder--IIRC the speed limit was posted near 20 MPH.  It was quite narrow--seemed more like a single carriage-way,  than 2 way.  Drivers were right up my butt,  even when I was up to over 35 MPHs--8 am on a Sunday morning.  I too pulled over. 

My experience has been,  there are many drivers who will get up your tailpipe,  no matter how fast you go.  If you can safely get over and stop,  its not a bad idea. No shame at all. 

As to shooting 'em--in Manhattan I've gotten pissed off enough to ride up next to someone who nearly knocked me over,  and kick their fender with my riding boot.  Things escalate (drivers get out and yell,  I flip up my visor and yell) but so far nothing serious has happened.  The last time was early this summer on 10th Ave and 46th St.  Two cops witnessed the entire exchange (my right side mirror being cracked by the cabbie who thought he could squeeze by,  my fist slam on the cab's trunk,  the cabbie getting out and yelling,  him throwing 2 twenties at me as I yelled back)...Cops just watched.

I'm usually shaking after the exchanges.  99.9% of bad driver stuff I just let go (maybe a yell into my helmet,  sometimes a pronounced shake of my head at the driver--but make contact with me or my bike with me on it,  and I don't hold too much back. 

When I first started riding MCs in New Jersey(grew up in Madison),  I found it helped to be with at least one other rider--drivers may feel a bit intimidated,  and seem to back off if there is more than one MC. 

Be safe...


« Last Edit: September 26, 2010, 06:38:50 AM by OWilde »