I have a 77' cb400f. I noticed the other day that one of the points was completely worn down, so I ordered and installed some new aftermarket points. I followed the Honda manual and felt like i didn't miss anything. I got all of the timing marks to align fairly well at idle and higher rpm's (usually the mark would waiver a bit, but was within the matching mark's domain a majority of the time). I went for a ride and the higher rpm's around 7,000 felt better than ever, but the lower rpm's felt really sluggish. Then the bike wouldn't idle at 1200, it would either idle really high at 2,000 or go down to 1,100 and then die (I tried to adjust the idle speed, but it would either run high or die, no in between). when I got home i got the timing light out and everything was way out of whack and wouldn't return to working correctly. today I was able to get the timing near correct, but when i rev it up and let off the throttle the rpm's don't drop it just continues running really high. Also the 2-3 cylinders are not lining up at the matching mark no matter the adjustment. Any ideas?