Update time,
Well i stripped it all back down anyway and sent my engine, hubs and carbs to be soda blasted, should have them backin the next day or two and they'll be ready to paint straight off.
I've stripped my M.C. and got it all out undamaged with a bit of a struggle so I'll probably reuse it, stripped my caliper and used the grease gun method to get the piston out after finding this method on the forum.
Painted the M.C., caliper and yokes.
Installed steering taper bearings.
Had major problems getting the pin out of the centre stand, i had previously cut the pin on both sides to get the centre stand off the frame and so this caused major headaches trying to get the pin out of the stand as it was fairly well seized. I had been putting penetrating all on it every now and then over about 3 weeks but this did nothing to help and so i eventally came up with the idea of putting a hack saw blade through the pin and cutting the pin right down the length twice and this weakened it enough for me to drive it out of the stand but it still took a lot of effort. It was dry the whole way through so obviously the penetrating oil had gotten nowhere. well I'm happy I don't have to go looking for another centre stand anyway.
Just watched a completely mint NOS 400f exhaust and header go on ebay for £1111 sterling yesterday, really wish i had the money for that.
Heres a few pics anyway:

I'll post more pics as soon as i get my engine and stuff back from soda blasting.