So time for another small update.
Got another few small bits painted in the last few days.
Got a Tach and a few other small bits from Steve at 400fourbits.
Took speedo and tach apart, gonna get new faces of some kind and try use an LED ring or strip inside instead of standard bulbs.
Ordered a Hondaman ignition, probably be waiting a while for that in the post.
Got caliper pivot freed up. When putting the pivot arm back together what should I pack it with, copper grease or ordinary grease?
Picked up another airbox on ebay with the boots intact and bike is running much better now, seems that cut someone put in the boot to try get it on actually made a difference to the running of the bike. Was having a b!tch of a time trying to get the airbox back on, the problem I had was I couldn't get the boots on fully to carbs 2 and 3 so decided to do it a slightly different way. I took all the boots off the airbox and pushed them onto the carbs fully and tightened the clamps. After this I then pushed the airbox in without the boot on the air filter side. I had also taken the metal tunnel thing out of the air filter housing for more room. I then used a flat screwdriver to push the cone side of the boots back into the airbox being very careful. Then I put the boot back on the airfilter side and slid the tunnel back into it from the air filter housing. It worked great it just took a lot of time and now all the boots are on fully.
Also tried to tension the cam chain and ran into a bit of a problem, I slackened the lock nut and the bolt with ther bike idleing as per the manual and it seems the cam chain loosened when I did this and is now making an awful racket. I'm guessing the spring isn't strong enough to do its job anymore and someone did the screwdriver down throught the bolt hole above the tensioner bolt to tension it and the spring loosened again when I loosened the tensioner bolt. I'll do the same thing to try tension it again but I might use a long bolt like I saw suggested somewhere else on the forum. Have to try find that thread again.
Getting the airbox back on