Pre-Craigslist, I used Cycle Trader all the time. It did the job.
Walneck's, IMHO, is the magazine for snobs. People who think their clapped-out '71 CB350 with missing side covers, shot tires and leaking fork seals is worth $3500 because it's "Vintage". Or that their 69 CB350 with original 41 year old tires is, therefore, worth $12,500...

National stuff - ebay, etc? Forget it. I'm of the same opinion as you - tough to deal long-distance.
I'd go with Craigslist. Way better to deal locally. Sure, some people will low-ball you. That's the whole 'make 'em an offer and negotiate' mentality. All you gotta do is say no or counter. Don't take it personally. Plus, CL is free, and runs forever. Way better than $45 for two measly weeks. Plus, the potential buyer has to pay 2 or 3 bucks to buy the dang magazine anyway. Not anymore for me.
Good luck with it,