I was on a ride home and came up to my favorite turn, anywhere. I was wondering if anyone else have a favorite turn, or road? Ill tell you about mine. I come home from a ride, I come to the last street light of my trip, regarless of what direction I take home, at the intersection of two of the mains streets in my city. But, I always go the same way, because of my favorite tun. Its a 90 degree left with a quick rough transition up to a fairly steep but short hill. It feels like what it looks like when getting off a racetrack at the wrong point. After this short hill it comes down behind the largest park in the city. There on that road is some sports fields, a beautiful hill and you can see half the city. It sits on a cross country track hill, that used to serve as a watchtower back in the civil war if memory serves. The tower is still up there, with a cannon

. At the lowest point on the road sits a jr. highschool that I attended for a year. Its a quite neighbor hood, so I keep it down and just cruise through. Dont need any unwanted attention ya know? After this I hit the berbs and 3 blocks later, Im home. Its the perfect ending, for my bike and myself, to any ride. Anyone else have a place like that?