Adelaide Hills should provide something for any motorcyclist's fancies - some tight and twistie, others open and sweeping, some slow some very quick. A lot of them now are posted at 80kph sadly (no doubt due to bikers having far too much fun), but my favourite - Ashbourne to Meadows thru Bull Creek - is still at 100, and I don't see many police on it. The old CB purrs through there, and it suits the power, speed and my rapidly reducing abilities

Another favourite down my way is Victor to Delamere along Range Rd - 50k of fast sweeping open 100kph roads, warp speeds possible on the right kit, but starting to get sneekily policed (radar behind trees etc) esp on weekends.
I drove (sorry) the Great Ocean Rd on way back from MotoGP - it's a great road alright, but 80kph takes a lot of the fun out of it. Years ago coming back from GP (89 and 90) it was open speed limit and with many bikes using it it was full race mode, no police, and a big bag of fun.
Now Tassie - mmmm, show me a bad road down 6 years of living there I never found one....