Finally took my first trip of the year last weekend and rode the backroads from Kalamazoo over to Detroit. US-12 is a great ride as is Territorial Road on the north side of I-94. Once in Detroit, we headed to the abandoned velodrome in Dorais park (google it) and took a few laps; tons of fun, but pretty sketchy, its tight, and there's tons of cracks etc. If you check the link below, you can see some more photos and get info on the bicycle and moped races some guys are trying to host there in two weeks. The K0 rode pretty well, this was by far the furthest I'd ever taken it, it threw tons of oil all over the pipes and rear wheel, and I'm hoping it was just he automatic chain oiler and not blowby. This was after swapping out my K0 carbs for the later style and not even bothering to sync them. Anyways, the season is almost over here, but I'm stoked for next year already!