Maybe he thought that was not a serious question, or you were messing with him?
For those who dont know ANYTHING about BORING cylinders;
The first 4 oversizes, are 40 thousandths at the biggest size, that is 10 -12 thicknesses of a human hair.
An 836cc kit takes out several mm,s that is 3 or 4 times the 40 thou, takes longer ...= more cost
BOTH the ABOVE.. are done with original sleeves, in the cylinder. Sleeves are mostly changed, to go 900cc, or bigger, or if they have become Damaged. Your case generally does not get bored unless you are over 900cc's.
Stay away from shops that want to hone only, BORING, then FINISH HONING, is generally more accurate..= better results. A very round bore properly fitted, will give good results.
I aam going to suggest, if you feel the stock peergormance fulfills all your needs & expectations.. go stock oversize.. if not, go big bore..