Well, after some encouragement from fellow members, I have decided to post here in the travel section.
Trip is a still in the planning phase, scheduled for Jul/Aug 2013. It is a joint birthday gift to me and my bike (we will both be turning 40 that spring)
Plan on shipping the bike to Vancouver, or thereabouts, and riding to Halifax. Expected duration is about 2 weeks depending on time off for work.
I have started to map a general route but will mostly be sticking to the Trans-Canada Highway, partially for nostalgic value, partially so I won't require a GPS. I can follow signs with the best of them and Canadian highways are not complicated (except in Montreal).
I am canvassing members for points of interest along or near the T.C.
I will be tenting it for most of the trip, although I have already had a few offers of a roof and a beverage (both encouraged as well).
As I progress I will post my route and schedule, as well as my kit list.
Any suggestions in regards to spare parts and such are welcome. My tool list is pretty much complete as I have a tendency to carry everything I would require for a complete teardown and rebuild whenever I travel more than 100km from home anyway. (not that I have the knowledge to actually do it, I just find it is easier to ask for help if I have all the tools)
One idea was given to a friend who did a long trip was to pack a box with clothes and spare parts and then had someone ship it to him by bus to his halfway point. I am not completely sold on this idea as I would like to be self sufficient right from the start. It is a consideration though.
Anyway, thanks for the interest and I will do my best to keep anyone who is interested up to speed on my progress.
Thanks for watching
Go Easy