I'm using diamond chain and even with solid maintenance, the wear is significant. I'd like to try an o-ring or x-ring chain but worried that the extra width would be a problem. Any words? My scooter is a 1970 CB750.
In the first 4000 miles or so, the Diamond typically requires adjustment every 1000 miles. After that, they typically settle down to maybe once per year, in my experience. I installed a new one on my 750 two years ago, and once again it matched this pattern, predictably.
This presumes Honda sprockets: with EMGO/JT sprockets, the grit from the surface wear in their undercut roller valleys causes much chain wear until the sprocket settles in. Typically, the SECOND chain fares better on those sprockets, so long as it is the same type: a different chain will then induce a new wear pattern, starting the whole thing over again.