thank you.. glad you like. Olivia takes good pic's.. HAHAHA
close.. but not DVP. It's Bayview Ave. going under the Bloor-Danforth bridge.
That's really the only stretch in midtown and downtown that you can get any speed. I live about a kilometer from that spot and do all my high speed testing on that road after a tune up or adjustment. Just go slowly the first time to make sure there are no cops and then turn around. Nice pic. Rosedale Valley Rd. is nice too.
Ah, Rosedale Valley Road, coming off Bayview. That was were I practiced my "Freddie Spencer", when I had the 750F TC. Until the flower seller tossed water on the road, just before I turned in that is.

Found other places after that.

On to other things. Mosport. I heard back regarding some of the issues raised. This is from the email reply I got:
"....camping is included in the price of admission for the weekend. You would need to contact VRRA for all the particulars. As for camping, quiet hours (typical for most events – might be different for Vintage weekend) are from 11 pm until 8 am. Fires are to be kept to a reasonable size, pets are allowed as long as they are leashed and fireworks and glass containers are prohibited. Camping is on a first come-first serve basis. I will try to track down a map which shows the camping areas although, if you have been here for the big weekends in the past, they are pretty spread out on all the grassy areas."
Nothing about booze. Here's my take. Outside the fence that marks the pit area, your free do consume. However, competitors & crew are prohibited from having open booze in their pit area (inside the fence) while racing is on. As a previous competitor there, I know I am not only one who has asked a spectator to step out of my pit area, because they had an open beer. Personally, I've never found the bike guys to be as strict, but they have the same rule so.....