Author Topic: fixing headlight ears  (Read 3217 times)

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fixing headlight ears
« on: March 07, 2006, 03:27:08 PM »
hi, my bike had the windjammer. now i am have gotten rid of the windjammer and fixing the headlight back. However i am not sure how i can put the ears back on to the bike. Do i have to open up the entire front unit?

how do i go about doing this?

Offline ProTeal55

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Re: fixing headlight ears
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2006, 03:28:58 PM »
I believe the fork legs need to be removed, but I am not 100% sure...
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

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Re: fixing headlight ears
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2006, 04:46:57 PM »
You have to slide the front forks down and out of the triple trees. Since I don't know what bike you have I'll just give you the procedure for a '78 750F.

Place bike on center stand. Insert jack under motor, towards front, and lift front wheel off the ground.

Remove brake calipers, speedo cable. Remove front wheel.

Loosen upper and lower triple clamps and twist forks back and forth while pulling downward.

When top of fork has cleared the lower clamp you can insert the fork ear and reverse the process. Don't forget the rubber seals and watch your signal wires as you don't want them to get pinched between the fork ear and rubber seal. Hope this helps
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Re: fixing headlight ears
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2006, 06:39:40 PM »
Thanks for letting me know. I have a 1975 cb750F. Just wanted to know if there are any other complications i may have if i remove the front forks.

I am still new to all of this, and dont want to end up with a bike that does not run

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Re: fixing headlight ears
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2006, 07:08:01 PM »
Thanks for letting me know. I have a 1975 cb750F. Just wanted to know if there are any other complications i may have if i remove the front forks.

I am still new to all of this, and dont want to end up with a bike that does not run

   This should be a good project for you then. Just taking parts off and putting them back on again. Make sure not to squeeze the brake lever when you have the wheel off or you will have to pry the brake pads apart in order to fit the caliper on the brake disk. Watch that the signal wires don't get pinched. Make sure the triple tree clamps are tight before putting the front wheel back on the ground. Those are the only things that come to mind that might cause trouble.

   If you find that the space is to tight to slip the fork ears and rubber seals between the upper and lower trees, you can loosen the steering bearings by removing the LARGE chrome nut under your handle bars and loosen the stem retainer using a screwdriver and hammer.This should provide more space if needed. You have to remove the bars from their clamps to do this, but everything(controls,throttle cables, levers, mirrors, etc.) can stay on them.
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Offline Clyde

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Re: fixing headlight ears
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2006, 09:21:32 PM »
The 750F did not have headlight ears like the K series has.
If you are using standard F parts there is no need to remove the forks at all.
The headlight is bolted to a stay that fits into two holes in the lower triple tree and bolts on to two 6mm studs that are used to hold the gauges on. There are small rubbers between the stay and where it fits into the lower triple tree and also two rubber grommets in the top section.
I suggest you look at a parts book. Try this link
SOHC4 #1909
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Re: fixing headlight ears
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2006, 05:12:34 AM »
Clyde -
   Good catch on the F vs K headlight mounting. I have an F and it didn't even click while I was reading that.

Make sure not to squeeze the brake lever when you have the wheel off or you will have to pry the brake pads apart in order to fit the caliper on the brake disk.

Fr this issue, one trick that I have used is putting a peice of wood, like a thick paint stiring stick, in between the pads. I doesn't keep you from being stupid and pulling the lever, but if you do, it's a whole lot easier getting the pads back to where they should be (ask me how I know)  ;)  ;D  ;D
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Offline scondon

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Re: fixing headlight ears
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2006, 08:22:06 AM »
The 750F did not have headlight ears like the K series has.
If you are using standard F parts there is no need to remove the forks at all.
The headlight is bolted to a stay that fits into two holes in the lower triple tree and bolts on to two 6mm studs that are used to hold the gauges on. There are small rubbers between the stay and where it fits into the lower triple tree and also two rubber grommets in the top section.
I suggest you look at a parts book. Try this link

  Thanks for catching that, Clyde. I certainly hate giving anyone a "bum steer". The 75-76 750F do NOT have the chrome fork ears that my advice was in reference to.
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Re: fixing headlight ears
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2006, 10:16:20 AM »
Thanks guys for letting me know. However, I recentley bought fork ears off ebay? I have seen the part you guys are talking about, but i dont have that part currently with me.

I was planning on installing the ears? Do you know if i can get that part online somewhere which will save me all thr trouble?

Also, sisnce i already have fork ears of a 1975 (k probably), do you think it will fit on this F?

Thanks for your help guys

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Re: fixing headlight ears
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2006, 01:39:44 PM »
The 750F did not have headlight ears like the K series has.

That's interesting, is there Some difference between US and UK F's, I have a UK F1 and F2 and they bothave EARS
Regards and Ride Safe


Offline scondon

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Re: fixing headlight ears
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2006, 02:33:23 PM »
Go to Classifieds> for Sale> Ebay Auctions.  There's a newly posted link of an ebay auction for a '75 750F. Don't know about the sidecovers and pipes, but the rest of the bike looks to be what was sold in the States in 75-76. You can see in the pics that the signal bracket and headlight stay are seperate? and do not cover the upper fork stems like "ears" do.
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Offline Clyde

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Re: fixing headlight ears
« Reply #11 on: March 08, 2006, 02:57:30 PM »
If you want to use chrome ears of the K series, I do not see a major problem. The forks are all 35mm, but you would need to check the distance between top and bottom triple trees.
The standard headlight shell for the F is not as deep as the K, due to the fact that most wires go to the box mounted on the front down tubes (just under the tank). It may look a bit strange as the K ears are designed for the longer/deeper headlight shell, but would fit nicely. I think the distance across the mounting points is the same
The standard F indicators mount on the stay but will not fit to the headlight shell unless you make some adaptors. Alternatively you could use the earlier indicators or anything with a 10mm thread mount if you are not worried about originality.
Let me know if you go ahead and need any dimensions checked.
Regds Clyde
SOHC4 #1909
Honda CB750 K0(original and unrestored), K1(in pieces), K2(restored), F1(restored), 76 750a (awaiting restoration), 1966 Honda CB72
Suzuki GT750 1972 (restored), Kawasaki Z1 1973 (restored)