... and I suspect they would run with it cause stolen kids sell advertising.
Don't be too sure about that. Advertisers want associative advertising.
People associate a product with something that ties to the baser instincts.
Would you want your consumer product associated with Gov stealing babies or with a lottery winner?
God I yearn for the days when I could actually trust something I read.
Yeah, me too. The media has turned quite far from an information distribution device, to a mood and human manipulator device. Happy people buy more consumer products.
Court records show an ongoing investigation into charges that Irish abused Taylor and her two-year-old child."
"Taylor "has failed to recognize the impact of domestic violence in her life and the potential danger it poses to a newborn baby," the affidavit reads. "Mr. Irish has not acknowledged any responsibility to date and remains a significant safety risk to an infant in his care. . . . Without the intervention of the court, the infant will be at risk of harm."
More crap reporting. Who is "Taylor and her two-year-old child." Ex-Girlfriend? Another name for Stephanie Janvrin? Jeez. A high school paper editor could do better.
In the US, people are assumed innocent until proven guilty, right?
Anybody remember how the Branch Davidians were labeled child abusers before the Gov swooped in and killed them all?
Saved us all a lengthy court trial. OK people, go on about your business. Nothing to concern yourself about here.
Lastly, the term "child abuse" has certainly been used in far wider description of behavior than say, 50 years ago.
These days, if you don't put your kid in a costly safety seat, you are a child abuser. The more expensive the seat, the less of a child abuser your are.