Author Topic: 500/550 Four Carb Removal the easiest way I have found !!  (Read 3652 times)

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Offline paulbaker1954

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500/550 Four Carb Removal the easiest way I have found !!
« on: April 20, 2016, 12:39:22 AM »
I am sure many have commented on this over the years but I really struggled with getting my carbs on and off even after having read varioous posts on the subject. After some experimentation I seem to have mastered the easiest way. I can have the carbs off in 15 minutes and back on in 20.

Here is how it goes..........

1) Remove the air filter and it's casiing, remove the throttle cables, remove tank.

2) Loosen the clamps on the carb engine side and actually remove the airbox side clamps as it just saves them from getting bent and in the way generally. You can slide them around and off pretty easily.

3) Now push the airbox to carb rubbers back in to the airbox a bit using fingers/blunt screwdriver whatever. You dont need to push them right through just back about an inch util they are off the lip that holds them in the right location relative to the carbs. Dont use sharp tools as you will just ram a hole in them !!

4) Now you have gained a bit of extra space and the carbs can be pulled off the intake and waggled free pretty easily.

5) To get it all back together slide the carbs back in and push them on to the carb inlets as far as you can. From the right seems easier for some odd reason.

6) Now to get the air side rubbers back on-  for the middle two rubbers put your hand through the hole in the back of the plenum chamber and push them towards the engine back out to the right position. Bit fiddly but a combination of pushing and rotating works pretty easily

7) For the two outer rubbers you can pull these through from the engine side easily to their right position

8) Put all clamps back on and tighten, refit cables and tank and ride off in to the sunset grinning that you are now truly a 500 four carb Jeddi  8) 8) 8)

Two things that help

A) A spray of silicone lubricant or similar helps with the pulling/pushing of the aire side rubbers.

B) If the rubbers are old and brittle you are going to break them so always good to get a replacement set if they have not been off for xxxx years  :) :)

I hope this is of some help to others - I really struggled until I got this technique and it's just so easy.

I guess this only fails if you have such giant hands you cant get them inside the airbox but they'd be some mighty big hands I think
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2014 Triumphy Trophy 1200
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Offline MickB

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Re: 500/550 Four Carb Removal the easiest way I have found !!
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2016, 02:07:16 AM »
Do you have some photos of each step? I think it would make some parts of your process easier to understand.

Offline paulbaker1954

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Re: 500/550 Four Carb Removal the easiest way I have found !!
« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2016, 05:20:59 AM »
I will try and add some pics
If you think there's light at the end of the tunnel it's usually another train !!

2014 Triumphy Trophy 1200
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Re: 500/550 Four Carb Removal the easiest way I have found !!
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2016, 05:54:17 AM »
yes that's it! in addition, you can remove the fasteners of the airbox to create a bit more wiggle room.

Offline strynboen

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Re: 500/550 Four Carb Removal the easiest way I have found !!
« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2016, 05:56:26 AM »
i just pulls the rubber to the airfilter..and heat the cylendet studs..and pull the rack..after take choker kabel and trottel kabels off.

.5 min job
i kan not speak english/but trying!!
i hate all this v-w.... vords