Thanks for the imformative post. BTW the shop I bought the engine and carbs from is owned by a man that used to work at Imperial Honda in WNY in the 1970s. He has one other tech who also used to work in that same shop in the 70s. Both gentlemen are completely schooled in CB750s. The carbs are absolutlely clean. I have cleaned them several times. Pilot jets out, main jets out, holders out, slides out, all orifices and bodies cleaned. I understand that different slide heights would effect idle and if this were the case I would never get the bike to idle it would either be too high or die altogether. I understand the need to "know the answer" but you have created your own narrative about my carbs and haven't addressed the reasons the slides will not settle all the way down when the throttle is closed.
*****The cause of the hanging idle is the carb slides are not settling all the way down in their bores*****
I'm trying to explore why.
I like this. The only thing that I don't understand is why the slides show no interference when the motor is not running. I will try to get some video of this happening tommorrow as my camera is at work.
I understand what you're saying, but if one slide were higher it would never drop down to a nice 1000-1100 idle. The idle would jump around or always be high. Something is preventing the slides from seating and it only happens while the motor is running. Maybe a combination of vaccum, weak spring, and swelled grommets on the carb tops.
I haven't failed yet Lloyd.