Well, firstly... AWESOME FORUM! LOVE IT!
-I've been kickin round here gleaning info for the past year, so it's time to say HI!
-My story goes like this: I got my motorcycle license about 5 mins after I turned 16, rode for years and years, the last bike I owned was a 1985 Honda 750 interceptor. I had an accident on that bike and got away from bikes for awhile... but now I'm back.
How did I get a CB650 for free?!?!? here's how.... a friend of a friend had given me a 1983 Suzuki GS400 for free, it was missing it's cam chain tensioner, found that, got it running and taught my girlfriend how to ride, then that bike sat for many years as it was just too small for me... then my bro-in-law came home with a mid 60's Solex moped last summer, worked on that with him and had some fun riding it... then innocently perusing Kijiji and Craigslist for free mopeds, cheap bikes, whatever, I came across a 1979 Honda CB650 with many extra parts (including an extra motor) for $600 listed about 6hrs prior to me seeing it. It wasn't running right
at all... but it did idle, I ran and bought it
instantly as I've always had a need to own one of them "chrome fender Honda's"
-It has what I think would be a Mac 4 into 1 on it. After going through the carbs (rebuilding them) and reading the plugs for proper mix (they're finicky carbs for sure, that method of mix screws 1/2 turn out, idle increase, turn in to drop, 7/8 turn out when done that...did not happen, might try later), I can say she runs pretty good now... sounds like an indy car when it gets past 5K rpms... it's a HOWLER! I bought a Morgan Carbtune (thanks to the info from you guys) and will be sync'n the carbs next week? or whenever it arrives... looking forward to that! I think it still could use some fine tuning. I have 95 jets in it due to the 4 into 1, I'll probably be picking some brains for more tuning info too.
-Anyway, I listed and sold the GS for $600.... THUS the Honda, I considered to be... a FREE BIKE! Yipeee!
-Then, after moving out of Toronto recently to Northern Ontario, I finally got hooked up to the net, and being somewhat foolish, the first site I looked at was Kijiji.... first search... Honda CB... what did I see? a 1979 Honda CB650, same make, same model, same colour as mine for $600 bucks... 15 mins from where I'm living... did I buy it?? What are you kidding? Of COURSE I did!
-CB650's are like potato chips apparently .. can't have just one.
-More about that one later-
-Got to learn how to resize some of my pics, they're too big to add right now- will do shortly, my avatar shows my first CB650 which was the first pic off Kijiji when I found it. The Comstars have grown on me I must say.