Just moved into a new house, and had to sign an agreement that I would not bring a motorcycle into the complex. Signs at the entrance state this fact also.
What are my legal options?
Sounds like discrimination to me.
sounds like you signed an agreement you knew you'd break.
You have no legal option. but you can get the HOA laws amended if there are enough to support the vote.
Its an HOA, they can make any rules they want. if you buy in to the neighborhood, you live by the rules.
get used to pushing your bike down the street.
i've got an HOA in my neighborhood. the dues suck, but in the end, i dont think id change it.
the park, trails, and common areas are landscaped and clean. homes and landscapes are kept nicer than most in a 10 mile radius. clauses in the HOA laws allowed us(neighborhood volunteers) to go in a secure and clean up a forclosed house, because the bank wont do SHT, preventing would-be squatters from becoming tenants.