I did actually run a piece from a wire brush through all of the main jets. I really don't think they will get any cleaner as all holes are free of debris.
I put in new spark plugs this evening which helped a lot. It runs much better up throught the RPM's but I have to leave just a hair of the choke on. The second I am entirely without choke it dies. So I agree that she must be starving for fuel.
I think that syncing my carbs could be helpful. Yes, no? I have a vacuum pressure tester, but it is only one (not 4 as recommended) and I am missing a brass fitting to insert into the hole for the tester. It may be tedious, but could I test each one separately, and is there any suggestions on how to use one without the proper brass fitting?
...but did you pull out the emulsion tubes and clean them? ( you didn't say

you also didnt say if you did a bench sync either, whether you cleaned your slides (if you did, did you reinstall them incorrectly?), or set your float heights, or verify your float valves did their job.
did you have sediment in your bowls, tank, fuel lines. running an inline filter? Does gas flow freely from your PC?
i really suggest getting in there again. i know pulling carbs is a PITA, but you're good at it now
once warmed up, your choke lever should be pressed all the way down.
use your idle adj screw to bring idle down to 1200-1300rpms.
is your battery new/fully charged? what is its voltage reading?
1 gauge will take forever, you should have at least 2, and 4 is infinitely easier than just 1 or 2.

a set of 4 of those little brass carb tuning fittings can be found online for about $20. they come with caps so you can leave them in.
Hey Fletcha!