An seat came in from hondaclassic31!
Other than being a tad wider than expected, I'm very happy with the quality.
Nice stitching, thick material and a nice even look to it.
The seat pan was in excellent condition and painted nice.
The seat rubbers are installed underneath already and fit the frame perfectly.
I have no seat hinges but I will work out something to mount it with P clamps.
Next up, a bobbed rear fender, Davis Silver is sending me a new gas cap and lock kit and Motion Pro is making me up custom short cables for the controls. The clutch cable alone is 5 inch shorter with the Tarrozi clipons!
Lastly to sort out will be carbs, exhaust and paint!
Since MotoGP says he won't ship to Canada anymore I'll definitely go with a Carpy exhaust system.
I'm thinking to get it raw and send it for Hotjet coating inside and out.
CR29's are my preference for carbs but I will try to make the stock PD42's work first, I have two complete sets and one set is now super clean and rebuilt.
I will also fit the body work better and send out all 4 pieces for paint soon.