This weekend my friend Chris, Chris #2 (friend of Chris) and myself went for a 3 day trip to the Adirondacks. We left Boston, MA on Friday and went up Rt2 to Rt 78 to Brattelboro, VT and then over the Green Mountains to the Adirondacks Cabins at Clemens, NY which is half-way up Lake George. Weather was mid-60s and sunny - beautiful foliage.
The bike prepped and ready to roll...

Rolling through Vermont on the Higgley Hill Road (unpaved)

A potential lunch spot Rt 100, West Dover, VT - but was closed for lunch!

Arriving at the Adirondack Country Cabins, Clemens, NY

Saturday - we went to meet some fellow CB750 enthusiasts from Montreal (Michelle, Danny - and Diane - g/f of Michelle) that Chris had met this summer on his trip to Canada. We all ended up at the top of Whiteface Mountain. Weather was sunny but chilly and by the end of the day it was low 40s for the final run to dinner.
Nearest town was Ticonderoga, NY - 20 min ride away..

Breakfast at the local diner...wonderful! Inside it was like a throwback to the 50s/60s with local photos on the wall

the local covered bridge in Ticonderoga, NY

We got a great tip from a local Harley rider to go up CT 7 - excellent road!

and then we got distracted by county road (CT) 12...which was supposed to go over a mountain but we ran out of real road...

we turned round here..

off we go..

we passed this cool dam on some back road

next to this bridge

and then we went to the North Pole on the slopes of Whiteface Mountain, NY

and then headed to the frozen top of the mountain - it had been 25F at the top that morning brrrrr

trail to the top

and views for 60 miles

very windy

the view coming down..

Disaster!! The rack breaks!!! Stress fracture..

and in the morning

Dinner at the local pizza place in Ticonderoga, NY after a cold but excellent ride off the mountains..

Sunday - Chris #2 and myself rode down Rt30 in Vermont to Manchester and then came over the Green Mountains via the unpaved Kelly Sand Road and then along Rt 9 to Brattelboro before coming down Rt78 and then Rt 2 to home. Weather - started off low 30`s and then made it to mid-60s on the way home.
Early Sunday morning - low 30s brrrr...chilly ride to breakfast

On the way home -crossing the Green mountains via the Kelley Sand road (unpaved)

All in all a great 3 day ride and we rode some excellent roads in the Adirondacks (County Road 7, 12, Rt 3, and more!!)
Trip facts:
Mileage ~770 miles
Avg ~ 40 mpg
GPS worked great on the 750 -comparing speedo to the GPS speed is off by about 5 - 6mph up to 75 mph and then 8 mph at indicated 80 mph. Not too bad at all.