OK folks, just an update for those of you that were following this tough fix closely. Woke up this morning and the battery read charged on the tender. Put it in, realizing that the battery bolt connections were not really seated correctly. Apparently the seller found this to be OK. The bolt was actually the wrong size to take hold of the screw.
Quick trip to store, couple start button pushes later, it was up and running. Let her warm up, check the flashers. They f%#king worked! Well, they worked with a strange whine/moan coming from somewhere near the headlight. But they worked (let's focus on the positive!!!).
Took her out for a quick spin. She runs and flashes and everything!
I just wanted to thank the academy for all their help and blessing, and I include this photo to see the one and only shiny, "chromish" looking piece on the whole bike. That's right, the new screw and nut that I bought for the contact on the battery.
In all seriousness folks. I really want to thank you for the patience and help. I know these things come as second nature to some of you, and the fact that you are willing to spend the time explaining, and waiting for us to figure this #$%* out, is amazing!