Hi, don't know if this has been covered, sorry if it has... so, after taking off and putting the carbs on my '79 CB650 about 10 times... the 11th time I did this... getting them on without swearing... my usual bear hug on the motor was not necessary...
I used a one piece length of nylon rope and carefully wrapped it around the carb backing plate between carbs, in a loop towards the front of the motor, then ran it over to the other side making another loop around the carb backing plate again (my explanation might not be the best..hopefully this will come across in the pics)... make sure you haven't pinched anything, I then put a piece of wood in the loop at the front and twisted, slowly tightening the rope, make sure you're not doing any damage to your cooling fins (I went under the head), wiggle your carbs a bit, keep twisting... POP!... they went back on!! no swearing, no sweating.