Someone may know the exact number of lengths that you may need...I'm not sure. I would guess 99?
I know from when I replaced my chain a few months back, I could not find a 530 chain in exactly 100 links here I ended up buying a 120 link (what the shop had in stock) and cut it to size using an angle grinder. You might just go ahead and get a 100 link (or whatever size you can find) and cut it to 100 links. when you put the chain on to test fit, you will be able to tell how many more links you can/should take out.
When I replaced my chain, I also replaced the sprockets and put a 36 tooth on the rear....the guy at the shop sold it to me half price because it had been there forever. It made a subtle, yet noticeable difference on the highway.....made 70 mph a little less frantic feeling. There was also a subtle, yet noticeable reduction in low end keep that in mind if you go down to a 34 tooth. You'll rev lower going fast, but you will also have less power at take-off. BTW for reference...... with my 36 tooth sprocket, the stock length of 100 links works fine.