OK - story goes that the 750 I have might have a Yoshi 810 on it. A previous owner has had the log book amended to say 810cc - I know this is in no way proof, but it means if it is bulldung then it was a comprehensive self-delusion.
So, I strip the top end and find the pistons are about 63.6mm across - I say about as I am not the most accurate measurer, but it is with a vernier thing and it certainly isn't the 61mm that would equate to standard 736cc. Now the pistons have one scraper ring and two compression rings, and have 'HONDA' cast into the slight recess by the gudgeon pin. (Logical really because if it wasn't in the recess it would makea nasty mess of the bore!). So could it simply be an oversize piston set? Well from what I can find, no. 4th oversize is at 62mm which gives 761cc, and these pistons are definitely well over 62mm, AND they have the letters STD stamped into the crown - same pattern on each piston. Now I really don't care if it is a standard engine - they're great engine just as Mr Honda made them, but these pistons can't be standard - can they?
The only oddity in the pistons is that the 'A' of HONDA on each piston is slightly higher than the preceding 'HOND'.
Anyone any ideas, suggestions etc - because it is going to be a swine getting new rings for them if I need them!