Well lets address this a little. I DID do the search here. I based my answer off the results I found here. Many of the people who reported better results with the S have been long term member of 4 or more years. I would think that you could respect their testimonials. And some of these have been using the stock coils too, not the 3 Ohm units.
I can easily believe you did do a search. But, it was in a non-factual database. Opinions may become popular, but popularity does not make a proof.
So, you are still basing your evaluation on heresay evidence, and many of those same people in your sample base have no knowledge of electronics or mechanics. I think that invalidates your assessment. I've been reading posts here for a long long while. The trend I recognize of the Dyna -s "converts" is that they simply don't wish to adjust points anymore and find all sorts of "reasons" after the fact why it is better, above and beyond that primary fact. The MPG improvement claim is especially onerous. Your own example of "better warmups" is completely un-supportable with factual data that can be evaluated independently.
Popular vote does NOT rule physics and function. I don't care how many people tell me their snake oil is supermolagafloptious. If the physics and/or actual test data aren't there, it is an unproven assertion even if you find 1000 "believers" in the product, whether they be in a forum or not.
I would also assume that these members know how to adjust points and so the misadjusted point theory you set forth is negated.
In your dreams. On what do you base that assumption?
The first rule of troubleshooting a problem is to NOT make assumptions or simply repeat the assumptions of others. If their conclusion is wrong, then yours will likely be wrong, as well.
Basically, your "science" is flawed with the frailty of the human condition. Humans make errors, physics and chemistry does not.
Castles made of sand fall to the sea.
Also, I do not recall any members stating that plug gap was increased, indeed with the S, I don't think it should be changed if using the stock coils anyways. So really all of your points are already met and discounted.
Another declaration without foundation.
While I agree that if you are using the 5 ohms coils the gap should not be increased, there have been many Dyna posts where three ohm coils or other lower ohm coils HAVE been used. A change to lower ohm coils is without merit UNLESS the gap is increased to take advantage of the higher voltage potential available with these coils. So, I observe your recollection has failed you. Kinda shows that your "research" is further flawed, explaining your misguided "bandwagon testimonial".
And indeed, if YOU did a search, you would find these testimonials from people who have had their sohc bikes just as long as you.
What does ownership time have to do with whether the Dyna S has all the extra fictitious "benefits" you claim they have? Ownership time is not a "proof". It is just added innuendo.
If YOU had done proper research you would have found that I have been a part of the Dyna s discussions all along.
As for the hondaman tests and such, I DID read it and ultimately while he knows his honda stuff and may have done the test to what you think is your level, it is hard to weigh in favor of that against 20+ years of people using the S and having good results. These results don't jive with his tests.
Scientific results with hard and verify-able data serve as proof of function in the realm of physics. Human "feelings" have no such defined parameters. I'll take Hondaman's test data over 1000's of forum testimonials with no supportable data.
Anyway, you are reducing the argument to science vs. religion. If you wish to worship at the altar of Dyna, that is your choice. You can even become an evangelist or cult leader drawing followers to your cause. But, the fact remains that physics rule the functional operation of things electrical and mechanical, and no matter how many people believe that Dyna will turn you bike into modern superbike, until there is hard evidence to make the case, it just has an electrical switch instead of a mechanical one.
You know, the Pope once threatened excommunication (and death) for people who thought (and could prove) that the earth wasn't the center of the universe. So, there were lot's of "believers" that were wrong. People haven't changed much since then, only the knowledge database has changed.
I am not trying to be disrespectful here just disagreeing.
Same here. But, as easily as you wish to dismiss my arguments, I find yours even easier to dismiss. You aren't going to convince me with whimsy. Quite simply it is not quantity of the referenced reports, but the quality of the reports encountered that deserves attention. Lastly, while many of these forum posts are rooted in sincerity, that does not automatically make them factual.