Hey Andy, how ya doing? Sounds a bit of a problem you've got there, if the thread is gone then you need to take the head off and get it helicoiled. However, first I'd try everything to get it hot, as that does make rusted-in ones much easier to get out, and the best way for that is to get that cylinder running - maybe you can get a little spark going from the remains of the plug that'll be enough. Try swapping the #2 & 3 ht leads over just in case there is a problem there, check there's fuel getting in too (pull the float bowl, make sure it's filled and then whip the jets out & clean them). You could even try pulling the airbox off and spraying some Easy Start (ether) into that carb while it's running on the other 3 - nothing to lose!
Also, you could try slightly lifting #2's cap away from the plug while it's running, so that a spark jumps from cap to plug- this has a knock-on effect for some reason and can increase the spark at a plug. Plus there's the added fun of an electric shock up your arm if your plug cap is dodgy.
Finally, I wonder, maybe someone else can advise, if leaving #3 plug cap off will actually increase the size of the spark that #2 is getting?
Basically, any way you can get that cylinder firing will get it hot, which will in turn make that plug easier to shift.
I hope it helps