Hi Chuck
Well done on the bike and you do indeed have a 73. You can tell that its not a 71 by the front brake guard at the front. However....you do have a nice K0.K1 ducktail seat which if in good condition is worth a few $$s. If I were you Id do a full tune up first:
Download a free shop manual from the SOHC website...
1. New battery
2. Remove carbs and remove carb bowls (very easy) and see what state they are in. Most likely they will need a good cleaning
3. Check valve clearances in engine
4. Check if any rust in tank -if not you are in good shape.
5. New airfilter
6. Probably new tires at some point no matter how good your +8 year old tires look.
7. Shocks are probably shot so consider new ones for 2-up riding.
8. Front fork fluid - change it for sure!
9. Front brake probably needs bled and front brake piston checked for pitting. Cheap enough for a new piston seal.
10. Cables? Throttle and clutch - buy Honda - much better quality and longer lasting.
Thats the basics for now

Good vendors - Z1Enterprises, David Silver Spares, servicehonda.com and of course a bunch of others in the FAQ.
I have a few spares and Im in Boston, MA. Riding in Vt is always a pleasure on a CB750