Fortunately this is not a dissertation, the method or material doest have to be new, but it would be better if it was. I was simply thinking of deriving the control behavior of the ecu over the injector pulse width, mostly because I know the material and there is plenty of opportunity to have some good background substance. Its nothing special, but I think some of the MEs in the room but not be bored with it. Plus it would give me an excuse to double count research I would already be doing for my on-going car and bike projects.
I appreciate your angle, its very helpful to have a motivator.
Honestly I dont know what the professor is expecting, but I can give you the list of project ideas he said were relevant (they are from the text book):
Vibration Control: Vibration Isolation
Vibration Control: Vibration Absorbers
Minimal Surfaces
The uncertainty inequality in signal processing (I'm an EE, so this is probably a good track as well...)