Some may remember back in '08 I had a herniated L4-L5 back disk pushing on the nerve bundle, lung blood clots, and pneumonia all at the same time. I was on Coumandin/Warfarin for about 6 months during recovery to clear the clots. On doctor's recommendation, I didn't ride during that time.
Oct 1 I was again admitted to the Hospital for chest pain and blood clots in the lungs. Interestingly, it was midpoint in a 3 mile walk when the pain became severe. I finished the walk home, painfully and a bit slowly, as any breathing more than shallow was as though I was stabbed in the chest, which, if you've never experienced this, makes you immediately stop the inhale. But, breathing is not an option. Anytime your body needs more oxygen, your breathing rate and volume inhaled increases. So, you can still move, but shortly thereafter you pay with stabbing sharp pain during oxygen recovery on every breath.
Anyway, all the tests, CT, Ultrasound, etc. didn't find a primary clotting point, just like in 2008, so I have been diagnosed with hyper coagulant blood issues. To prevent another episode, the doctors are indicating Warfarin for the rest of my life, the duration of which is partly in my hands, and partly not. I'm getting weekly PT/INR tests, and they are in the range that doctors are happy with, so far.
I've been trained about vitamin K which counteracts the Warfarin, and many oils which enhance the warfarin effect on blood coagulation. Given, the life sentence, the instructions and philosophy is to try and eat a consistent diet and the Warfarin dosage will be adjusted for my lifestyle/eating habits.
My doctor has recommended no more motorcycle driving, as an accident significantly increases the likelihood of death.
A helmet strike can result in a concussion (brain bruise) and without normal clotting ability, a brain hemorrhage that can kill. The same is true for internal organs, and of course, cuts and tears of the circulatory system. ("We got a bleeder here!", says the paramedic.)
My doctor has related seeing lots of Motorcycle injuries in the hospital (he hangs around there almost every day), and these injuries are far worse for motorcyclists than auto drivers.
I'm thinking his view may be jaundiced by his daily observations. But, I just can't tell how conservative his leanings are. I *think* he is just recommending the safest approach, as he does with almost all his diagnosing.
There is a $1000 test/study that can be done to determine if the issue is genetic, or some sort of treatable disease. However, the warfarin diagnosis will unlikely be rescinded whether they find something or not. So, the primary benefit of this study would be to alert relatives or offspring about a genetic disorder. As, there are no kids (that I am aware of), it's just my two sisters that it may or may not help. So, it's tough to get a handle on test merit/value.

There is also the possibility that the drug simply counteracts/balances my Hyper-coagulation, and simply brings me back to normal bleed time.
There is a test for this, I learned. They have a needle/knife with precise measurements that they stab you with and then time how long you bleed with a stopwatch. Of, course this test is repeated several times, to establish a consistent database. I couldn't help thinking about the similarities to applying leeches that were popular in medicine for a time.

Anyway, I was just wondering if any of you may have knowledge about people on warfarin that were in Motorcycle accidents. Certainly, you can have a crash bad enough that it won't matter if Warfarin was involved. I guess I'm just looking for experiences where Warfarin made a difference. Or, if motorcyclists are just a devil may care populace who generally thumb their nose at ANY increased risk taking, just for the thrill of it.

In reality, we are all hostages to life, which WILL kill us all eventually. I guess I just need to determined how much and how hard I can still poke the hostage taker in the eye before it's not worth his while to wait for the ransom.