I think the hipster term gets thrown about a bit too much. I have been called a hipster because I listen to indie music, wear raybans, and use a mac. I will be the first to tell you I am not hip. It seems to be a derogatory term used by people that are somewhat bitter, Or maybe theyre tired of going to their favorite bar and have to listen to people argue about the cure or some other #$%*ty band (I know I am). My loose definition of a hipster is someone who spends way too much of their parents money in order to look like theyre into retro gear. I have no parents and my gear is old because I am too poor to buy new stuff.
I bought my bike before I realized that cafe was making a comeback. Perhaps it was subconscious because of subtle media saturation. I still havent seen the show, but I would like to. I like motorcycles and history, so an old motorcycle is just frikkin badass to me. Here in Austin youre more likely to see "hipsters" in VWs or on an extremely expensive scooter with LaCoste bags hanging off their backs.
If anything it should level out in a few years when these people are tired of maintaining their bikes and theyre back on the market for really cheap.