Author Topic: Does this NOS Dunstall tank already have a liner in it?  (Read 1310 times)

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Offline ksmith0034

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Does this NOS Dunstall tank already have a liner in it?
« on: November 03, 2010, 04:55:40 PM »
I bought it a few years ago and the PO said it was NOS but he put a liner in it (didn't say what kind).  Does it look like it has a liner?  Should I use it as is, or re-line it?  Any harm in re-lining without removing the previous liner (assuming there is one)?
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Offline nokrome

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Re: Does this NOS Dunstall tank already have a liner in it?
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2010, 07:56:28 PM »
looks like kreem,
   i dont know if it would be a good idea to line over that or not
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Re: Does this NOS Dunstall tank already have a liner in it?
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2010, 08:55:53 PM »
I just recently purchased the same tank. Recoat it with a caswell system, a friend did it on his reed endurance tank and its been faithful for the last 2 years.

What kind of petcock are you using for my own reference when purchasing?
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Re: Does this NOS Dunstall tank already have a liner in it?
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2010, 09:01:05 PM »
I would say maybe?
When I did my Fiberglass Tracy tank with POR-15 it filled in all the fibre and was and still is a smooth surface.

Perhaps someone used the product mentioned earlier and did a sucky job?  .......Is sucky a word?

Have you attempted to clean it with anything yet?
Was there gas in it after the supposed lining?     A good clean for sure before something new.  Good luck. :)

Edit: (chimmychong86)  Thanks for the link to something I haven't seen before.  ;)

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Re: Does this NOS Dunstall tank already have a liner in it?
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2010, 09:40:42 PM »
Don't think that's Kreem. Mine ended up looking like this - smooth and bright white

But it sure does look to be coated with something. Kreem can be coated over itself so I've read - POR and Redkote I don't know.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2010, 09:42:38 PM by Iggy »


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Re: Does this NOS Dunstall tank already have a liner in it?
« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2010, 04:49:18 AM »
It does not appear to be coated.  A coating will fill in all those glass fiber threads and look smoother.  I would not use it without coating.  Worst case scenario is the gas will actually start to seap through the old fiberglass and into the gell coat which will result in a leaking tank.  I am using KBS gold coat on my new Dunstall tank.  Will let you know how it turns out.

Offline ksmith0034

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Re: Does this NOS Dunstall tank already have a liner in it?
« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2010, 05:41:42 AM »
I just heard back from the po.  He said he used this stuff which all his flat track buddies swear by.

I think I will use the tank as is and and just keep an eye on it.  I already have the Caswell liner purchased, so I can always pull the tank and re-coat it if needed.

cc86 - I haven't decided if I am going to use the single Pingel I already own or the two stock petcocks that came with the tank (they need rebuilt).  Hopefully today I will have the time to mount the tank to see if there are any clearance issues with the Pingel.

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Re: Does this NOS Dunstall tank already have a liner in it?
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2010, 08:01:57 AM »
Just a warning from someone who has gone through this before:
If the tank starts to delaminate (even a little bit) you will have a huge mess on your hands.  Your carbs will be full of sticky resdue that may cause your slides to stick, your intake tract will also be coated with the sticky residue, not to mention your pistons and cylinder walls.  I would not take the chance.  Coat it before you have to pull the top end and carbs off for a rebuild.

Offline ksmith0034

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Re: Does this NOS Dunstall tank already have a liner in it?
« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2010, 09:53:33 AM »
OK, so if I go ahead and put my Caswell liner in it what prep should I do?  Do I need to remove the old (unused) liner first, or just rough it up with drywall screws and move forward from there?
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Re: Does this NOS Dunstall tank already have a liner in it?
« Reply #9 on: November 04, 2010, 12:30:26 PM »
This is what I heard from old racers about old fiberglass tanks: 1- racers primarily used them and 2-They would drain them after each race or until it was needed again.

Just my 2 cents.

L.A. Nomad

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Re: Does this NOS Dunstall tank already have a liner in it?
« Reply #10 on: November 04, 2010, 01:46:52 PM »
I'm not positive about the Caswell but most other liners require you to remove the old liner.  You might want to try a test by putting gas in the tank and letting it sit for a few days.  Drain some of the gas into a glass cup and let it evaporate.  If their is any sticky residue left behind then that is what will end up in your carbs and top end.  If not, you should be good to go. 

Offline ksmith0034

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Re: Does this NOS Dunstall tank already have a liner in it?
« Reply #11 on: November 07, 2010, 11:26:08 AM »
I'm not positive about the Caswell but most other liners require you to remove the old liner.  You might want to try a test by putting gas in the tank and letting it sit for a few days.  Drain some of the gas into a glass cup and let it evaporate.  If their is any sticky residue left behind then that is what will end up in your carbs and top end.  If not, you should be good to go. 

That is a great idea!  Thanks, I'll try that.
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