"It's my plant! I can close it if I want too....unless of course you workers are willing to bargain again. You don't wanna? Ok, I can still close it."
That my freinds is reality. You can rail against it if you like, but it doesn't change anything. You work for someone else, you are at their mercy. Anything else is not free market, it's just another form of socialism. But then....that's what Unionism is too. But again...we're treading close to the line of politics. Not good. Economics on the other hand, should be just that!
If I have a factory that makes headers, and I can't sell enough headers to make a profit, I can change my business model, or ask my staff to take a pay cut, or make something else, or brrow money to improve the plant with more efficiant machinery thereby occuring risk of bankrupting, or close the factory. But I'm not going to take a loss. Those options are open to me. You don't like it, you are welcome to go seek employment elsewhere, I certainly won't stand in your way. (funny how that doesn't work both ways though, isn't it?

It's really simple! Gotta make a profit, if ya don't ya go under. Doesn't matter if you are a shareholder, business owner, or CEO...ya got to show a profit or you're a loser.
Which do you prefer, see an American business bankrupt, or see their employees cut a deal that keeps them being paid and the business open? On a personal level it realy doesn't matter to you and me, but it does to someone.........