Author Topic: Install a 7" headlight on a KZ400?  (Read 2042 times)

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Install a 7" headlight on a KZ400?
« on: November 10, 2010, 11:29:07 AM »
Hey guys - my '76 KZ400 has a non-standard-sized (and $60 to replace!) 6.25" headlight. I want to upgrade to a normal 7" one, which means a new bucket, ears, etc. Has anyone ever done something like that before? Some stuff I've read mentions putting a relay in there, but to be honest, I know nothing about electrics. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
If it's worth doing, it's worth doing twice.

Offline Alan F.

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Re: Install a 7" headlight on a KZ400?
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2010, 04:00:36 PM »
Just throw whatever bucket you have on and work out the kinks later. Guages can be spaced to clear, ears can be easily tweaked to fit a 7" bucket.  I put a CB750 bucket on my CM400 and had to do both, but all of the connectors fit inside the bucket and it looks great.

Just use a bulb with the same wattage as your stocker and everything should be fine.

Offline kirkn

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Re: Install a 7" headlight on a KZ400?
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2010, 04:06:05 PM »
Yep.  No brainer.  I've done it on any number of bikes over the years.

Other than making it physically fit, which either requires new ears (and JCWhitney sells a really nice 'universal' set for about $15), or bending the old ears so they angle to accept the larger diameter bucket, all you do is swap entire assemblies.

Really, all the wires just 'pass thru' the bucket.  Pull the wires out of the old bucket, feed 'em into the back of the new one, done.

The wire plug that attaches to the headlight itself may be different, but they all have the same 3 prongs - low beam filament, high beam filament, and the common or ground.

Good luck with it all.
