There is only one positive law here in California that deals with Workman's Comp, once settlement is reached and ordered by a judge, the insurance company has between 5 and 25 days to make the payment. Every other law here is so one sided in favor of the insurance companies that honest to goodness treatment of injuries is totally in the hands of the adjusters, not the doctors. They legally can hire a consulting doctor who doesn't even need to see the patient to make a "considered opinion" that the insurance companies can run with, most of the time to the detriment of the injured worker as in my case. It took them 5 months just to approve an MRI, three more to approve a second major surgery. They totally ignored all requests for MRI's of my shoulders which were proven to be resultant of the initial ankle injury for 13 months, end even then only approved an Open MRI which is little better than an X-ray saying I was too big for a closed MRI, which was false. My attorney hounded them for months until the finally approved a closed MRI of my shoulders and by then my back, which by then had accumulated enough injury to cause even more pain. Those MRI's showed I needed arthroscopic surgery on both shoulders but they only approved for the right shoulder. They completely ignore requests and demands for treatment of my back and to this day do not abide the opinion of the final examining doctor that both my shoulders and by back were a direct result of the initial injury and their cavalier treatment of my complaints.
We are seeking a minimal settlement of only $80,000 which will provide me enough to start a new life away from the high cost of living here in Cali for a much lower cost of living area such as Indiana has to offer. My attorney will ask for more considering how much the defense has delayed and cost us but he stands firm that the minimum I am owed be paid. We are 95% certain the judge will find for us, the amount of the award is in his hands though. While we hope for a better settlement we are confident that the least I will get is the $80K.
So, assuming the judge rules in our favor, the earliest I will receive the settlement will be the 23rd of January, the latest should be the 12th of February. I expect that by the end of February I will have all the parts I need to finish Rita in hand or on the way to me. I won't get to work on her until after the move to Indiana but I do expect to me riding her this summer. I won't be able to do the big cruise I was planning but every two or three weeks I will take three or four day weekends to various areas where members of this great forum reside and visit as many as I can.
Anyway, time I shuffled off to sleep, been a long day.
Peace and Long Rides,