Author Topic: The brudders' pact .....  (Read 777 times)

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The brudders' pact .....
« on: November 04, 2010, 05:05:12 PM »
Irish fella goes into the Pub and orders two pints. The barman notices he's alone so he says
' Do you want the two pints one after the other, like ? "
Ah no, I'll take them together please. '
The customer proceeds to sip each drink alternately until both are drained and orders another two.
The next night, the same proceedure, if fact for several nights this happens until the barman asks.
'So whats with you drinking the two pints at the same time, Paddy ?'
Ah well', says Paddy, ' me brudder emigrated to Australia and before he left we made a pact to always have two pints at the same time,one for me and one for him, so as to remember each other ".
'Oh', says the barman, 'Now I get it !".
This pact continues night after night until after three months the same fella comes in and orders one pint. Shocked, the barman thinks the brudder must have passed-away, " Im sorry that your brudder is no longer with us ", says he.
'Ah no mister, me brudder's fine, it's just that I quit drinkin '...........
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Re: The brudders' pact .....
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2010, 12:49:12 PM »
 :D :D :D :D

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Santa Fe, NM