I popped off the valve cover this morning. Kind of felt like a morbid gift opening. You don't want to unwrap it, but you just gotta see what's inside.
What's wrong? The 3 & 4 side looks like it was getting oil:
Oh. That's what's wrong. 1 & 2 are bone dry:
Whoa! I don't remember bluing on the rockers. They must have been damn near glowing! Man, these rocker shafts on 1 & 2 aren't coming out! Maybe if I give them a turn with a big flathead until . . . they. . . break . . . loose. There we go. They're loose, but still very tight.
Hmm. I wonder if that's why the motor couldn't spin? Is that what the fellas meant by a "frozen cam?" Now that the rockers are off, let's drop the transmission and alternator covers to get to the crankshaft to see if the motor will spin now.
Whew, it still spins! No clunks or unusual noises, either! Can't wait to tell the guys.
Wonder what kind of damage was done to the cam and cam tower journals by running it that dry? Looks like a new cam tower and cam are in order!
Let's get the cam towers off to see how the oil injectors look.
The 3 & 4 injector looks clean.
The 1 & 2 injector is gunked up, though.
But it cleaned out real easily with carb cleaner, so was it really the issue impeding oil flow? Is it the cause or a symptom? (This is where you experts jump in and clue me in to what your experiences tell you).
I'm off to remove the head and will check back in awhile.