so... from what i have gathered there are at least 3 different size/layout of the faces (i know there are more). the ones i started on are from my 500. little guys, about 3" across (guessing here as i dont have one in front of me) but they came off of something smaller. im guessing 350-400... and look like so.

they have 1 light hole, and the cable comes straight out of the back. so they sit very flat. the other set i have which i believe to be the stock 500 gauges look identical, except 2 light holes (i have to verify this again) in the back and the cable comes out at an angle. so they face the driver more by sitting at a different angle ( different brackets too). now im second guessing myself as to whether the 550 ever came with these smaller gauges. most pics im digging seem to show the larger 3.5" face, which is also the same size as the 750. im waiting on a scan of the larger 550 so i can layout the tick marks and get the sizing down. so far i have the 750, and the 500 for sure. i can easily rotate to the stock position too, i did the needle at 6 oclock so there would be room for the pin ups with out looking too cluttered...
socalenduro.... does the pic look like your tach?