My front forks are a combination so I'm trying to id what I've got. This is for a 76/77 cb750k
From my searching I was able to determine k0 to k6 upper fork tubes are 23"
Is the upper tube on a 77 longer?
What are the spring lengths for each?
Lots of topics generated on fork length but I couldn't find these specific answers.
I need to make sure I've a matching set of components.
Right now something is off because as you can see from the pic Shaun's lower brake hose is stretched too tight. There is very little sag on under the weight of the bike and the forks are difficult to compress under my body weight. Pushing down on them hardly budges them. I know I have the right qty and weight of fork oil. The top of the forks are sitting flush with the upper triple tree.
so something is wrong.

Your help in sorting this out would be appreciated.
This site does list separate part #'s for the tubes and spring but it is not always a definitive answer.