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Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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hail the Brits
« on: November 11, 2010, 06:47:54 PM »
Now that the Brits have taken the lead perhaps the US will follow!

 "Under the new plan, many of the 5 million people who claim jobless benefits in Britain will be ordered to regularly do four weeks of unpaid community work to remain eligible for their 65 pounds ($105) weekly welfare payment. The stints could include manual labor tasks like removing graffiti or gardening in public parks."

What was it that Dire Straits sang about? Money for nothing........ No more!!

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2010, 06:54:45 PM »
"And the chicks for free"
Go metric, every inch of the way!

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2010, 06:59:44 PM »

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #3 on: November 12, 2010, 06:12:08 AM »
Back when unemployment started in the US people who collected it did comunity service to get it. I'm not sure when or why that changed but going back to that program would be beneficial IMO.

Offline Alan F.

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2010, 06:30:18 AM »
Good idea, will we see it here.... :-\

Offline flybox1

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2010, 06:32:17 AM »
I just had this conversation with my wife last week.
Had no idea a country would actually approve such rules. It needs to be done here. 
I say make them do 10hrs a week as long as they are collecting.
hell...they can start by picking up garbage along the highways 'round here!
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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2010, 07:23:03 AM »

It seems to be a good plan, but it's not I'm afraid, and it has a downside.

Why not fire the garbage cleaners ? so, they will be unemployed and to earn there social security money, they can pick garbage ?
Or more confronting, maybe your boss is firing you, and he offers you to urn your social security money to do the job for him ?

Because the thing is that labor is getting paid less, because it's worth less. If you really want to create jobs, why not split your job in halve and let an unemployed person have the other half in work and money ?

I don't know about the US social security system, but I have to pay every month to the social security insurance in case I get unemployed, and you say I have to work twice for that money ? If that's the case I rather do not pay it to the social security and save the money for myself, just like the pension money btw.

Two reasons why I think it won't work.


Offline tortelvis

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2010, 07:54:52 AM »
How do you starve a wefare cheat?

Hide his dole check in his work boots!

Offline simon#42

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2010, 10:36:34 AM »
unfortunately its not happened yet , and i suspect never will . the real professional scroungers have all got them selves on sick benefit anyway . nice thought though

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2010, 10:48:25 AM »
In the US we also pay into unemployment insurance whether we want it or not. It is different than Welfare. I've paid my whole life and collected $37.00 unemployment once. Like the social security trust fund, the government uses that money for other things also.
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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2010, 11:47:23 AM »
I thought that's what minimumn security prisoners were for! When did they stop picking up the trash? In our state they want to close some of our parks because they can't afford to pay employess (state employess I might ad) to pick up trash and maintain parks...... this sounds like a great idea!
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Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2010, 12:08:36 PM »

This wouldn't/shouldn't be intended to replace paid workers but rather to do tasks that are being undone or deemed not necessary enough to pay people. There are millions of small things that can be done to cleanup, beautify, or improve our contry or it's appearance outside of the ordinary paid jobs that exist now. These people should be glad to provide a small service for a handout. I don't work for free nor do I expect to get money for nothing! Yes, I've paid into the system for many years and would expect to receive unemployment due to this but I wouldn't expect to collect welfare without some sort of effort on my part.

Put them to work or cut them off! Even folks with some disabilities can provide some sort of services. 
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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2010, 12:26:53 PM »
SS is a retirement plan, SSDI is when you have worked yourself to death and can't do it anymore. SSI is when you are incapable of ever working due to some deficit. Anyway, you have to legally fight for what you have paid into all your life. Sure there are cheats, but there are plenty of people that worked hard for those benefits. They make it hard to get to deter the ones that would cheat. Not a perfect system, but it's ours. SS system has nada to do with unemployment.

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2010, 04:18:24 PM »
I thought that's what minimumn security prisoners were for! When did they stop picking up the trash? In our state they want to close some of our parks because they can't afford to pay employess (state employess I might ad) to pick up trash and maintain parks...... this sounds like a great idea!

Thats known as the washington monument gammit.  "Oh a budget cut? We will have to close the monument"   Forgeting all the nice new offices and vehicles. Not to mention a few of the buricats that could be gone.  Usually the ones crying first.

But yes prisoners should be doing something also.

And chronic welfare recipients.
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Offline supersports400

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2010, 11:25:07 PM »

I wrote this because in the Netherlands a lot of people are working for free it's called volunteer work, and is done mosly by people who don't have a full-time job, or no job at all. The reason they do that is partly because they think that the integration on the market for paid jobs will be beter.

But is seemed that it is not the case. The chances on the job market aren't bigger. But the worst thing is that the organizations who those people work for are some profit and a lot of non profit organizations, and the board, managers and highly placed people in those organizations are paid very very well and are enjoying the benefits of the fact that people work for nothing.

I find this absolutely not acceptable, and these organizations are monitored by the government too, it was a scandal.

Working in prisons, yes, very good, doing work when you refuse to look for a job, yes, I agree.

But I do not see the reason why there should be any difference between job classes, like being a garbage men or being an engineer, and I don't see any reason to work for (almost ) nothing.

Highly placed people in large organizations always like the fact that people work for almost nothing, so they can earn more. That's the reason why cheap labor is found in Asia, and leaving the home job markets exploding under the high unemployment rate.

And now we see what happened, China is rich, due the American and European tycoons, and with money comes power, look at the results of the G20.

Look what happened here in Europe lately, we have to work until we are 67 years old, but the fact is that there no jobs for older people (and that means 40 +), unemployed people , highly educated, cannot find a job. So what you are suggesting is let those people work on the streets ? untill they are 67 ? and then find out that the government spoiled the pension money ??????


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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2010, 11:19:39 AM »
I think one thing overlooked is who is going to administer, monitor, assign, etc, these work programs?  With all the complaining about big government this would be another bureaucracy.  At least some of the unemployed could get jobs overseeing the other unemployed. ;D

Offline Don R

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2010, 04:35:00 PM »
I agree that the cheats should be given something to do even if it is only a drug test. A lady my wife worked with said she needed to have another baby because she was almost making too much money to get her assistance!
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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #17 on: November 13, 2010, 06:58:46 PM »
 Hey Jensen,  I think you are wrong when you say China is rich because of American and European tycoons.
It's the little people.
 I believe they are rich because the American population buys cheap Chinese stuff.

" Made in China" is what is killing the USA.
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Offline Brown Bomber

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2010, 09:30:47 PM »
I saw "hail the Brits" and thought this was about a British motorcycle, now I'm pissed!
     There are cheats out there no doubt, but some of us are really trying to find a job. I have a stack papers to vouch for the numerous jobs I've applied to, and when 200 other people have applied for the same job it's rare to get a call back, I've had two calls in six months! One of those got me an interview where some yes man little #$%* half my age asked me what my long term goals are ??? When I told him retirement was a long ways off, he interrupted me, and said "Oh it'll be here before you know it."
Money for nothing

Money for nothing My Ass!
In the US we also pay into unemployment insurance whether we want it or not.
     I've paid into unemployment insurance for decades, and now I'm unemployed, so I should earn the money a second time?

It's not welfare, pull your head out of your ass!

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Offline Jerry Rxman Griffin aka MuthaF'er

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2010, 10:53:01 PM »
Brown Bomber,

This obviously isn't about your situation! This is about the welfare state that allows people to not attempt to work and expect money for not trying. I saw something the other day about a grandmother telling her daughter that she is the family breadwinner. She apparently had 8 welfare children and brings in $144,000 a year without food stamps, etc added into the figure. The grandmother convinced the welfare agency that her daughter isn't fit to raise the children and gets to be the foster parent and thus rake in all that cash. This is about people that expect something free for nothing. That doesn't appear to be your case. It sounds like you have earned the right. Unemployment is NOT considered welfare!

Me, I'm not unemployed but I am underemployed working only 5 days a month. The bank and I own a rental house with a $1322 per month mortgage. My tenant just lost his job. Now I am potentially faced with 2 mortgages on 5 days a month. What did I do, I helped my tenant secure assistance through a couple relief agencies so he could still feed his children, have a roof over their heads, and me not go into foreclosure, all until he can find work. He is hoping to take a job with one of the agencies out of gratitude for the help. $10/hour. Not a lot but better than the folks I am referring to in my post and he feels this will give him the opportunity to help pay back to others for what little he has received! He can not get unemployment due to the nature of still being on the roles of the Air Force Reserves without a job or pay. I grew up in the welfare system after my parents divorced when I was 12. Government commodities, public housing. Apt 9J Elmwood Court, Paducah, KY. Anyone can look it up. I sold newspapers on the street corner in the 5th grade until I got my newspaper route. I know the pain. 47 years ago. I obviously haven't forgotten nor will I ever forget. I've had poor paying jobs that I didn't want and ate peanut butter and beans 1 week every month but I never felt a job aka work was beneath me, irregardless of what it was. I am fortunate to be where I am today.

I wish all the best for you and the others in your situation. The money those welfare bums gets should go to you through jobs creation because you are trying!
« Last Edit: November 13, 2010, 10:55:19 PM by Jerry Rxman Griffin »
As of today 3/13/2012 my original owner 75 CB750F has made it through 3 wives, er EX-wives. Free at last.  ;-)

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2010, 11:20:51 PM »
we have now got the 67 year old pension jensen,im an "older guy"and i sure wouldnt like to be looking for a job!despite all my experience and knowledge and coolness of mind i have over younger guys, i doubt id win that job,ive been employed 4 days a week for eight years at the same company,if i suddenly became unemployed and i was told to work for some crap money id explode!!!full stop.

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2010, 11:37:43 PM »
Hey Jensen,  I think you are wrong when you say China is rich because of American and European tycoons.
It's the little people.
 I believe they are rich because the American population buys cheap Chinese stuff.

" Made in China" is what is killing the USA.

You are kidding right, its the rich  that organise and bring everything into the country in the first place because they make a fortune out of it, then little people buy it because they have little or no choice......Some people must live in a bubble.... ???

« Last Edit: November 13, 2010, 11:41:32 PM by retro rocket »
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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #22 on: November 13, 2010, 11:53:51 PM »
there are true career bludgers(lazy slackers)who abuse the system anywhere in the world,how can anyone single them out for "special treatment"it would be politicaly incorrect,the career bludger will claim compo when he stubs hes toe in the first five minutes of forced labour and get even more money for nothing.phuck.

Offline supersports400

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2010, 12:20:26 AM »

@Mick, yes, you right, the big company's started to move production sites to cheap labor country's like China, India, Korea, Eastern Europe, etc.

For years I'm trying not to buy stuff made in those country's, but it is almost impossible. I was hoping more people would do that, because it's the only way to force those country's operating in an open market. Next to that, quit paying money to those country's to keep the people from starving, let the small rich group help the poor in those country's.

Here in the Netherlands people give money to the poor people in India, Pakistan, etc, while India is laughing at us, saying that they, together with Chine are the new economical world leaders, and saying that poverty makes people work hard, so they let there own people die in the streets from hunger.

I go to India and Chine on regular bases, the difference between rich and poor is just to big to imagine, not seeing it yourself.

read this :

A country next door (Pakistan) is flooded and it's neighbor do nothing, instead Pakistan got help from European country's and the US.
It's a shame that those fast growing economic country's and tycoons won't take care of there own neighbors and surrounding countries.

@BB, yes I mentioned this also, it's ridiculous, working twice for the money. The British economy is really bad, much worse then surrounding European country's, I don't think it is because they have bright idea's.

England and Portugal will be the next Greece, wanting to be saved by our pension money (just as they give away a part of our pension savings to Greece, one of the reasons we have to work until 67).

The Netherlands had the best pension system of the world, meaning we had the most savings, guess who're living from it now,

« Last Edit: November 14, 2010, 02:42:59 AM by jensen »

Offline simon#42

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Re: hail the Brits
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2010, 03:58:09 AM »
the english economy is in a bad state but as we still have some control over our currency we do have room to maneuver . the real danger to the euro countries is ireland [ their annual tax revenue does not meet the interest on their loans ]  followed by portugal and spain . the brunt of the greek bailout was carried by the germans , wether they have the will or the wherefore to bail out the other countries remains to be seen .