The slow jets for your carbs are pressed in. But, if your bike won't idle, these being clogged is likely. They can still be removed and cleaned though. Just grab and yank straight out with pliers. No need for any twisting motion. Tool marks on the outside of these will not effect their operation. Pad with leather if the tool marks annoy you. In fact, I mark them to keep the orientation and placement exactly as it was removed, as I feel the parts were married when first installed and may seal better when reinstalled that way. Some say my attention to detail is annoying, though. ;-)
Anyway, clean the idle jets and emulsion tube holes when removed, and tap them back into place afterwards. (The orifice is only about .014 inch in the soft metal.) But, before you do, make sure the passageway behind the slow jets is clear flowing through all four exits to that passage. Beware the small seal and washer behind the Idle mixture screw. Some carb cleaners attack the rubber and compressed air will send them to inaccessible places.