'Sounds like Dave got an excellent job on his tank.
Of course, there are numerous ways to clean/line a tank.
As we know, new rusts can form during the drying process - preventing a successful lining job. High humidity can cause this. Clean metal can begin to rust in a few minutes.
If you are gonna do it the hard way, at home, you might find an aircraft shop at your local airport. All planes, after a certain number of hours, are required by the FAA to have the tanks cleaned and lined. So, these guys usually buy 50 gallons of quality liner at a time. They will sell you a quart or two (or a gallon) cheap - and it is required to be good stuff. Go to a paint store, get some new cans/lids before you go to the airport. (You might even get 'em to do the whole job for you.)
If you don't care about the paint on the tank, take it to a reputable radiator shop. They'll clean and line the tank reasonably. They have all the right stuff. In my antique car days, I used this method many times with 100% success. Takes all the guess work and aggravation out of it.
Yeah, most prefer to do it at home.