Sheik, if you're taking a poll, I vote for the vintage style fairing. Aerodynamics are more important with an electric vehicle.
Lucky, please shut the #$%* up.... 
And totally off topic too. He can make his own thread and see how many people feed the troll.
This bike is shaping up nicely. Event though it will be a nice project and an interesting to see how it turns out, I doubt it will be as useful as a gas bike.
But that is ok, same thing is true of every new technology: what use is a baby?
Useful is a tough word to define. Considering it's range is within the average commute, and it's charge time is 2 hours, it could make a very useful commuter bike. It's not suited for all Sunday canyon runs, but that's what a gas bike is for.
I'm also excited for the sheer lack of maintenance an electric drive train provides. With only one real moving part, the only maintenance I'll have to worry about is charging the bike and lubricating the chain.
I don't disagree. And believe me, I think your bike and idea are stunning as engineering design and art.
However, in a more broad sense...
If 40 -50 miles was enough, and by-the-math it is, electric cars would be more popular.
So there is a psychological factor here. People EXPECT more from a car, and I think from a motorcycle as well.
Even though modern scooters are as capable as any sub 750 motorcycle, and even more if you look at the new BMW and Aprillas. Heck, my 250GTS has better range than my CB550!
However a more classic scooter.... like a Modern Vespa GTS250/300 with the wide waist for the batteries or an older Lambretta with the boxier back, would be more likely candidates for a first go.
Not because of any logical reason, but because the expectation is a sub 50 mile range for a scooter, despite the fact that people do long range rides on scooters. Even old ones! See here they have good storage, better than anything but a full bagger. A shopping cart of food is no problem at all on the GTS250, unless it is all 1 gallon jugs of milk.
Sadly, most of the first attempts at making an electric Vespa focus on 50cc performance, not 250/300 class performance.
Maybe it is just the inescapable math of current battery and motor limitations: you get 50 miles, no matter what you do.
But the public paradoxically might be willing to accept a scooter with that limitation over a motorcycle or car... because they see it as less capable, even though it is not.