Well I've had the beast for about 2 years now, she started out as a birthday gift to a good friend of mine who was looking for a bike. It was sitting in a persons garage for over a decade in amazing shape and was bought for a pretty good deal about 3 years ago. She had about 8k miles on her and gas in the tank the whole time

My friend is about 5'8" and 125lbs which isn't a good mix for a stock seated F so it made it's way to me! You can see it below on the first day he got it, all that was done was to put a new original looking seat and some clubmans. When I got it I put a cafe seat on and that was about it at first. I rode it for about a year that way.
Then about a month ago I decided to do a little more work on her. This is my first classic bike or a bike where I did the work so it was fun to take her apart.......and a little scary. Paint is done, I don't have a garage or much space so I won't be taking the motor out so I'll rattle can the engine very carefully. The frame is really clean besides dirt and oil.
Wheels were powdercoated black and I"ll post pics of those soon.
Only ran into the usual issues like a ceased oil filter bolt, leaking oil line that decided to give up a bolt head when I went to change it and other "fun" things.
Next images will probably be the bike all back together, just waiting on my rotors that are being drilled as we speak (at least I hope so, guy hasn't been great about communicating).