I took these to the chromers over a month ago and was getting super annoyed that they were taking so long to get them done. They told me they would be done right after Thanksgiving, then they told me they would be done Dec 1, then they told me they would be done this week. I finally got them and they look great! Well worth the wait!
I didn't get them chromed, just copper plated and nickel on top.

Also, I got a new tach cap thanks to r6100mph! He had a couple extra laying around and was more than willing to ship me one! Thanks again!

Lastly, I started the engine teardown/clean. Honestly i'm pretty intimidated but its going pretty well so far. I would like some suggestions on how to get the jugs off. They are really on there. I got all 12 nuts off but the top section of the jugs won't budge. I don't want to bend or break the fins at all and I'm afraid that if I wedge something in there and start prying that something will break for sure. Any suggestions?

Starting with a wire brush. It's looking great so far. I ordered the engine paint kit that Godffery recommended so hopefully I'll have a engine ready to go into the frame pretty soon! I also wend to the local nut and bolt supply and got new bolts for the entire engine. Stainless bolts all around only cost about $30 bucks so I was pretty happy about that.

Quick question. Does anyone know where I can get plugs to plug the intake holes and exhaust? I am just using really tightly packed towels right now but think plugs would probably be easier.